Writing Down The Music Of Your Life

Painting courtesy of Peter Mayor
For over twenty years, the poets of Writing Down the Music Of Your Life have met to hone their craft and discuss the art of writing poetry under the inspired direction of Doraine Poretz, an established poet and teacher in the Los Angeles area.
The discovery of each writer's voice, the exchange of social, spiritual and philosophical ideas— as well as the affirmation of the artist's value in contemporary society—have given the group its purpose and meaning.
"I'll play it first and tell you what it means later."
- Miles Davis

The Art of The Poem
To create a poem that “works”, one that is alive, one has to“dream awake” and
enter the Mystery. The writer enters into the Mystery and the poem by:
*Exploring primordial images--tarot, Jungian/mythic archetypes
*Reading and interpreting contemporary poems
*Musing on philosophical quotes
*Using visual art and music to inspire
Rewriting is essential through:
* Editing
*Attention to rhythms, line breaks
*Word choice, fresh imagery

The Writing Atmosphere is:
* Intimate; individualized attention
*Supportive, non-competitive
*Attentive to craft
*Replete with on-the-spot professional editing & suggestions
Rewards are manifold:
*A heightened awareness of one’s inner world
*An energizing of the senses
*A refinement of a capacity for empathy & compassion
*A powerful, well-crafted poem
The poets of Writing Down The Music Of Your Life share their work.
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Writing Down The Music Of Your Life at the Venice Library

"An enthusiastic teacher who is a gifted and celebrated poet in her own right, Doraine is truly excited by the process of helping others find their own poetic voice. With a wealth of experience in working with poets of all ages, and a deep knowledge of the form, Doraine is a rare gift - an artist who is also a brilliant teacher."
-Leslie Martinez
“Doraine teaches with heart and skill, and has an amazing ability to bring out the best writing in ANYONE, from the novice to the most seasoned writer.”
- Lynda Skeen
“Of all the admirable qualities and depth of talent that Doraine possesses, what moves me the most is her passionate commitment to the genre, and the process that raises it to an art that is meant to be voiced, enacted and exposed. After writing in isolation since childhood, Doraine pulled me onto the stage of poetic ownership, and chortled at my joyful discovery of that Self. She is an exceptional teacher, and I deeply appreciate her astute, take-no-prisoners feedback - SO refreshing! Working on my efforts with her has been a gift beyond measure.”
-Michela Anderson
"Doraine Poretz can edit quickly and with precision--- from across the room! Her ears are magical...as they both see and hear simultaneously. Her insights into our writing go beyond a little praise, a little critique: she intuitively and sensitively gets where we are and where we may want to go. Oh, and kindness is her right-hand man, er, I mean, woman!"
- Gaylord Littenberg
“Doraine's rich imagination and depth both inspire and inform the making of poetry and plays. I am deeply grateful to have been able to experience her as a teacher and a person of extraordinary talent.”
-Diana La Com
"One day when I became frustrated in one of Doraine's classes, she reminded me that writing poetry is soul work and the final product can't be rushed. Her firm yet compassionate guidance lit this soulful path so I could discover myself in a new and deeper way. It also led to me publishing two books of poetry…. Many thanks for Doraine. Truly, without her, that never would have happened."
-Kelly Morgan Creative Life/ The Artist’s Way Workshop
"Doraine is an exceptionally inspiring and caring teacher of poetry. If the idea of writing poetry is interesting to you, whether you are a novice or a long-time writer, I guarantee you that Doraine's provocative classes will extract the best from your pen and your spirit."
-Nina Moss